How Mobile is Used In The Modern Shopping Journey [Infographic]

5 min readAug 15, 2021


Mobile plays a central role in how consumers today find out about new products, compare items and buy goods. Here’s a brief overview of the most common ways mobile devices are helping shoppers today.

Infographic Table of Contents

  • Day 1, Evening: How Mobile and TV Work Together
  • Day 1, Nighttime: Mobile’s Role in Product Discovery
  • Day 2, Morning: How Consumers React to Mobile Ads
  • Day 2, Lunchtime: Why Retailers Should Have Their Own Mobile App
  • Day 2, Evening: Mobile’s Role in Omnichannel Retail Shopping
  • Day 3, Lunchtime: How Mobile Helps Drive In-Store Footfall
  • Day 3, Afternoon: How Mobile Influences In-Store Shopping Behavior
  • Day 4, Afternoon: Charting The Rise of BOPIS
  • Day 4, Evening: Charting The Rise of M-Commerce


“Retailers must rethink their priorities for transformation — where is the best place to spend my cash, so that I can live to fight another day in 2021?” — Scott Rankin, Advisory Industry Leader, Consumer and Retail, KPMG in the U.S.

Day 1, Evening: How Mobile and TV Work Together

TV (and connected TV) remain a great way to reach consumers and help inform them about new products and offers — but many people are on their phone while watching TV. A third of all time spent on media is devoted to mobile. In 2021, Americans will spend over 4 hours and 30 minutes a day on mobile. In comparison, Americans spend just three hours and 19 minutes watching TV.

Day 1, Nighttime: Mobile’s Role in Product Discovery

Mobile plays a key role in product discovery, so it pays to understand the different ways consumers use mobile and what they expect at different moments of their shopping journey. 53% said they discover new products through mobile ads, with rates being even higher for those between 36 and 45 years old (59%) and those with adult children at home (58%).Where do consumers notice mobile ads? The top answer was social apps (45%) followed by gaming apps (38%). Interestingly, only 36% said they noticed ads on mobile websites.

Day 2, Morning: How Consumers React to Mobile Ads

It’s important to consider the holistic customer journey, with mobile playing a key role in all parts of the shopping journey. After seeing an ad for a product that interests them, what action do Americans usually take? 60% said they visited a brand’s website. Only 15% said purchased a product directly after seeing an ad.

Day 2, Lunchtime: Why Retailers Should Have Their Own Mobile App

Having your own app can be a great way to connect — and reconnect — with your best customers. Top three reasons someone has a brand’s app: 1) The app provides offers and/or discounts. 2) I can pay for my purchases through the app. 3) Less time waiting in lines.

Users who’ve downloaded a brand’s app on their device are more loyal than those without. User’s with a brands app on their device spend more time engaging with the brand on their phone, visit the brand’s locations more frequently and state that they visit more often than those without.

Someone with a retail brand’s app is 19% more likely to visit their brick-and-mortar location compared to non-app owners. Average daily sessions per user for App Plus mobile engagers was 6% higher than App Less mobile engagers. 86% of consumers say their loyalty to a brand increases when their mobile app provides them with features they love.

Day 2, Evening: Mobile’s Role in Omnichannel Retail Shopping

Make it easy for consumers to make purchases in app by offerings multiple ways to buy. While some may prefer to buy through your own app, others may prefer to use already popular e-commerce platforms and marketplaces. 69% of people will look up a product online before coming to a store to make a purchase. 76% said they would be using mobile apps for holiday shopping in 2020.

Day 3, Lunchtime: How Mobile Helps Drive In-Store Footfall

Mobile advertising, with robust location signals, can be a great way to drive in-store foot traffic. Of all the people who are exposed to a typical location-based mobile ad campaign, about two-thirds of them will later make a purchase with that brand.

Day 3, Afternoon: How Mobile Influences In-Store Shopping Behavior

No matter where someone is, they are using their phones! People who see a location-based mobile ad and actually visit a brick-and-mortar location are 25% more likely than others to make an e-commerce purchase with that brand. 46% of consumers look up products and conduct research on items while shopping in store.

Day 4, Afternoon: Charting The Rise of BOPIS

Shopping methods like BOPIS (buy online, pick up in store) and curbside pickup are now more popular than ever before. 60% say they will continue BOPIS (buy online, pick up in store) post pandemic while 47% will continue store curbside pickup.

Day 4, Evening: Charting The Rise of M-Commerce

M-commerce is increasingly popular, with consumers enjoying its ease. 54% increased in-app ordering during the pandemic, with 84% expecting to sustain this level of usage post-pandemic.

How Retailers Need to be Thinking About The Modern Shopping Journey

Top Tips for Retailers:

  • Be sure to advertise in mobile apps. Not only are consumers using mobile apps at a record pace, but they are also highly receptive to ads in mobile apps.
  • Best practices for retail in-app advertising: Mobile ads are ideal for driving people to physical stores and to dedicated websites, where consumers can learn more about your brand and your products.
  • Develop and invest in your own app. Mobile apps are a great way to develop a direct connection to consumers. Use apps to offer deals, discounts and information. App owners are more loyal than non-app owners, so it pays to get people to have and use your apps on their mobile devices.
  • Make it easy for consumers to make purchases in app by offerings multiple ways to buy. While some may prefer to buy through your own app, others may prefer to use already popular e-commerce platforms and marketplaces. Some people may want items shipped directly to them, while others will want to make a purchase in store (including BOPIS and curbside pickup).

Interested in learning more? Reach out to us today to get started!

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Matthew Kaplan is the Content Marketing Manager at InMobi (